The Last Element 3D Update…

UPDATE: Now Available

This will be the last “update” before the official release date & launch cycle for our upcoming Plug-in Element 3D. Over the past couple of months, I let my excitement and ambition overshadow the time requirements for building such a powerful plug-in and I had to hold off on releasing it. Not just a couple of weeks but a couple of months which is not characteristic of myself or my company.

This community is a big part of why I get to go to work and develop such fun and interesting projects so I apologize for not keeping everyone better informed. I definitely learned a lot about building software of this magnitude and will be much better prepared in the future.

We recently overcame an unexpected but important rendering milestone and we are now polishing the remaining features.

My hope is that when you see the amount of work and careful planning that went into this plug-in, you will understand where that time went and realize our vision together.

The above examples were created inside of Element and I can honestly say that this is only a small part of what this plug-in can do.

I really want to give a time estimate but that always gets me into trouble!

So until then, let me finish-up and launch this baby!

Humbly yours,
Andrew Kramer
Video Copilot

12 years ago