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Element 3D v1.6 Help Home
What's New
Getting Started
Element 3D v1.6
Element 3D v1.5
Installation and Compatibility
Installing Element 3D
Specifications & Requirements
Installing VCP model packs
Updating Element from a previous version
Importing 3D Objects into Element
Importing 3D Objects
Supported 3D Formats
Exporting 3D Objects for Element 3D
Exporting 3D Objects from C4D
Object Transform and Anchor Point Settings
Importing Pre-Fractured Geometry
3D Object Troubleshooting
Baked Animation Sequences
Exporting Animated 3D Sequences
Texturing & Materials
Building Materials in Element 3D
Material Texture Slots
Environment Textures (reflection map)
Texture Channel Pop-up
Material Presets
Supported Image Formats
Surface & UV Mapping
Animated Video Textures
Normal Bump Map Creation
Minimizing Texture Artifacts
Pro Shaders
Advanced Material Options
Opacity Maps
Auto Map Size Limit
Animating 3D Objects
3D Object Groups
Particle Replicator
Particle Look
Baked Animation Options
Multi-Object Mode
Adjusting the Anchor Point
Group Utilities & Null Objects
World Transform
Animation Engine
Extruding 3D Text & Mask Shapes
Extruding Text
Tessellation Options
Bevel Options
Use Layer as UV
Bevel Presets
User Interface (Scene Setup)
Panel Descriptions, Preview, Browser, etc.
Adjusting UI Panels
Saving Presets
Selecting Atom particle vs Replicator Array
Changing the Environment map
Compositing Element 3D
Using Depth Compositing
World Position Matte
Using a Mask with an Element Layer
Custom Layer Maps
Using Matte Shadow plane
Element 3D with 3D Camera Trackers
Element 3D & Lens Flare Obscuration
Custom Environment maps
Camera & Lighting
Camera Setup
Lighting Controls
Render Settings
Ambient Occlusion (SSAO)
Motion Blur
Depth of Field
Camera Cutoff
Tips for Large Resolution Comps
Render Order & Opacity Maps
Optimizing Render Settings & Performance
Sharing & Transferring Projects
Transferring Element 3D Projects and Assets
Relinking missing files
Licensing Problems
Model Browser Empty
Plug-In Not Opening
Render Problems
Installer Errors
Unable To Find Solution?
Texturing & Materials
Texture Channel Pop-up
Texture Channel Pop-up
Additional Options
When you go to load a texture file and click on the "none set" box to navigate to your texture, a pop-up comes up with a few additional options.
This controls the visibility of the texture,
same function that is outside this window next
to the texture slot.
Control the brightness of the image.
Control the difference between
light and dark parts of the image.
Control how much color your image has
UV Repeat
Adjust how many times the the material will repeat.
This will tile the material for this specific
texture channel
UV Offset
Shifts the position of the texture for this
specific texture channel.
Load Texture
Navigate your computer directory to choose your
texture file. Can right click to Clear or Reveal
File in Explorer.
Down Arrow
Choose Load Texture or a Custom Material that
has been loaded as a Custom Texture Slot in the
Element effects control panel.
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