Video Copilot - Tools for Digital Artists
Bevel Options

Fancy Bevels
 Create detailed bevels with Element 3D
• Add lens flares, light rays and camera movement


Adjust extrusion length from base of shape. Bevel begins at the end of the extrusion. 

Expand Edges
Adjust expansion of shape outline. 

Bevel Size
Adjust the amount of beveling

Bevel Depth
Adjust the length of the bevel inward or outward.

Bevel Segments
Adjust how many segments are used for the bevel. More segments will create a more rounded bevel.

Bevel Curve
Adjust how the bevel curves toward the end of base extrusion. Lower values will create an inverted curve. 

When using multiple bevel copies use this to slide the bevel forward and backwards.

Bevel Backside
Turn this on to create a bevel on the backside of the text rather than it being flat.

Advanced 3D Text and Bevels
• Create 3D Text using Element
• Rotate and Animate text and letters
• Learn how to use Element to Extrude 3D Text


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