3D Projection: Still images to 3D

Wouldn’t it be cool to turn a simple photograph into a 3D scene? It can be done. Basically you arrange several white solids in 3D space to resemble the shape of your photographed room. Then using a 3D light you can ‘project’ the image onto the walls with Light Transmission. Now you can use a camera to move around the room.

NOTE: The video below was created from a single image. Only 2 white solids where used, one for the floor and one for the wall. Additional solids can be used to create more walls as needed.

See Example

In the new After Effects CS3 there is a feature that allows you to use PhotoShop to create a similar effect called Vanishing Point. Obviously if someone is standing in the room it messes up the illusion. Ideally you would want to have a simple scene that could be composed using square solids.

I was going to record the tutorial tonight but I’m not feeling so hot, but I will try to have it ready for tuesday (tomorrow) and the Earth Zoom for next week and the meaning of life the week after. Needless to say, this is a trick that everyone should at least know about.

17 years ago